Information for Schools and School Bus Companies

What's this all about?
With our free service, you can provide parents with visibility into the location (time, distance and # of stops) of their child's bus.

After each stop is finished the change in status is automatically updated and email notifications are sent out to parents who are at the next stop (if they have opted in to email notifications). Keeping everyone in the loop helps to eliminate last minute (and sometimes dangerous) sprints across busy roads to "beat the bus".

Automated notification triggers can also be sent to your back office, making it easy update other systems with very latest info from the field.

Why do parents care?
One of the biggest fears that many parents have is that the school bus will drop kids off early and their child will be left unattended. To mitigate against this possibility many parents will arrive much earlier than needed and then start the long wait - Not fun on a snowy or rainy day.

Real-time updates allow parents to go about their business until they get the final notification that their child's bus is approaching.

What's in it for schools and bus companies?
No More Four Hour Time Windows
Efficiency | Safety | Community.
Let's face it, your larger competitors have likely already started offering bus tracking services. So, the goal now is to provide your schools and parents with a better service at a lower cost. That's where we come in.

Since our system is community funded, it's free for you. It requires no expensive GPS hardware making it possible for you to start immediately. Use this as a new opportunity to both solidify and expand your business.

  1. Easy to Follow Route Stop List
    Helps keep your new drivers on track and on schedule.
  2. Automated Stop Completed Triggers (optional)
    Can be used to feed other systems and keep them up-to-date with the latest info from the field.
  3. Streamlined Pickups
    When your bus driver arrives at the stop, students using our service are more likely to be ready and waiting.

How much does this service cost?
Our online school bus tracking service includes:
  • Online Company Portal (allows you to schedule routes, stops and assign them to drivers)
  • Online Driver Portal (allows drivers to view and complete routes and stops that have been assigned to them)
  • Mobile Friendly Customer Portal (showing time/distance and number of stops scheduled ahead of their stop)
  • Automated Stop Completion Triggers (to back-office systems when a stop/route has been completed)
  • Automated Email Notifications (to parents when their stop is next)
  • Monthly Reports showing the number routes/stops completed by each of your drivers
There is no cost for schools, parents or bus companies.
Working with local businesses and PTA groups, we are 100 percent community funded.
Account setup is always free.

Sounds good. What do I need to get started?
Absolutely no special hardware or software is needed. All that you'll need to manage your account is an internet connection and a web browser. Your bus driver can see and update the status of their stops using any standard smart phone or internet connected tablet.

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